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A Pattern-based Approach to Quantitative Enterprise Architecture Analysis
저자 : 관리자 등록일시 : 2010-05-03 13:50:17
첨부파일 : 파일 다운로드 IR-EE-ICS_2009_022.pdf
EA Avaialability 에 관한 논문입니다.

Enterprise Architecture (EA) management involves tasks that substantially contribute to the operations of an enterprise, and
to its sustainable market presence. One important aspect of this is the availability of services to customers. However, the
increasing interconnectedness of systems with other systems and with business processes makes it difficult to get a clear view
on change impacts and dependency structures. While management level decision makers need this information to make
sound decisions, EA models often do not include quality attributes (such as availability), and very rarely provide quantitative
means to assess them. We address these shortcomings by augmenting an information model for EA modeling with concepts
from Probabilistic Relational Models, thus enabling quantitative analysis. A sample business case is evaluated as an example
of the technique, showing how decision makers can benefit from information on availability impacts on enterprise business


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